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Changlin Formation
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Changlin Fm base reconstruction

Changlin Fm

Jurassic, Cretaceous

Age Interval: 
Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous, K1cl, (38)


Type Locality and Naming

Eastern Fujian. The Changlin Formation was established by the Fujian Regional Geological Survey Team in 1966. The section for the designation is near Dekeng-Changlin of the Longxi County, Fujian Province. The reference section is in Hutou of the Dehua County, Fujian.

The Changlin Formation stands for the set of volcanic-sedimentary formation over the dark gray quartz sandstone of the Upper Permian and below the previous Nanyuan Formation near Dekeng-Changlin of the Longxi County, Fujian, which was attributed to Late Jurassic. Zhang Wentanget al. (1976) and Cao Zhengrao et al. (1983) assigned the Changlin Formation to Early Cretaceous. In 1993 the Fujian Regional Geological Survey Team attributed it to the lowermost part of the Nanyuan Gr and to Late Jurassic age. It is reassigned to Early Cretaceous in this lexicon (but later radiometric dates imply mid-Late Jurassic – see Age below).

Lithology and Thickness

The Changlin Formation is mostly represented by a set of volcanic-sedimentary formation, which is divided into two parts lithologically. Lower part is built up by yellow brown thick-bedded gravel-bearing sandstone and blue gray brown moderately thick-bedded siltstone and mudstone. Upper part is yellow white thick-bedded medium-grained sandstone and grits and yellow medium-bedded tuffaceous gravel-bearing sandstone and siltstone.

Lithology Pattern: 
Coarse-grained sandstone

Relationships and Distribution

Lower contact

Its basal part is built up by yellow brown thick-bedded gravel-bearing sandstone and siltstone with gravel-bearing grit which is differentiated from the unconformable underlying Upper Permian dark gray quartz sandstone.

Upper contact

Its top part is bounded by the appearance of dark gray and gray massive dacite at the unconformable base of the Ezhai Fm. The Ezhai Fm has an eruptive-unconformable contact onto the Changlin Fm.

Regional extent

The formation is mainly distributed in Fuqing, Quanzhou, Gutian, Longxi and Dehua of eastern Fujian. It varies greatly in lithology and is dominated by dark gray, gray white and gray green tuffaceous sandy conglomerate, sandstone, siltstone with thin-bedded tuff, shale, siliceous rocks and coal streaks, of almost 1000 m thick. In the Huangtang area of Fuqing, it is represented by gray yellow siltstone and mudstone with banded siliceous rocks showing pyritization and carbonatization, with a thickness of 655 m. In the Luxi area of Putian, it is represented by gray siltstone, mud shale, tuffaceous siltstone and tuff, with a thickness of more than 402 m. In Xiashan of Xiapu, it is dominated by tuff with sericite commonly, measuring 365 m in thickness. In Jinquanzhai of Quanzhou, it is represented by light gray tuffaceous siltstone and mudstone with small amounts of crystal tuff, with a thickness of 310 m. In Qiantugan of Gutian, its lower part is represented by rhyolitic crystal tuff while its upper part gravel-bearing mudstone with a thickness of more than 98 m. In the vicinity of Dekeng of Longxi, it is built up by gray white, gray green and yellow green tuffaceous sandstone and sandy conglomerate with thin-bedded tuff and shale, locally carbonaceous, measuring 995 m thick. In Xiayun of Dehua and Xiabulao of Litian, it does not vary greatly in lithology and ranges from 80 to 960 m in thickness.




It yields floras Equisetites sp., Cupressinocladus sp., indicative of intercontinental lacustrine sedimentation; estherias Yanjiestheria sp. In the Huangtang area of Fujian and Yanjiestheria sp., Orthestheria sp., and floras Onychiiopsiis sp., S phenopteris sp. in the Putianxi area; and floras in Jinquan of Quanzhou area.


Radiometric dates for Changlin Fm center on 155-150 Ma (Kimmeridgian) (Guangfu Xing, Jianqing Li, Zheng Duan, Mingxuan Cao, Minggang Yu, Pingli Chu, Rong Chen. Mesozoic–Cenozoic Volcanic Cycle and Volcanic Reservoirs in East China. Journal of Earth Science, 2021, 32(4): 742-765. doi: 10.1007/s12583-021-1476-1).

Age Span: 

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Depositional setting

It indicates a fluvial-lacustrine sedimentation facies.

Depositional pattern:  

Additional Information


Wan Xiaoqiao